A Game a Month: Intro

To be honest, I wanted to do a game a week, but I figured I'd give myself leeway to have a life. So I'm hoping I finish the year with > 12 releases.

I have been developing video games for a fairly long time now: my first released game was in 2008, the first one I'd actually call a working game was 2010, and then I made the jump to doing it professionally in 2020.

In this time, I've used a few different technologies; I have releases in CryEngine, Blitz3D, Unity, Unreal Engine (4,5), and PlayCanvas.

I have a problem though. See, when I make a game I always feel like I have to go big or go home and I have to make something that counts and will make people smile. Which leads to a refusal to take on smaller, potentially less interesting projects just for the sake of learning, and lots and lots of dead projects when I realize it's not turning out exactly, perfectly how I intended. Partially the cure for this has been game jams, but I want to take a step further, and basically force myself to release a lot of games, and force myself to use different engines.

So this year, I am making myself to design, make, and release a new video game every month, in a variety of engines and stacks and tools, many of which that I have never used.

The rules:

-All games must work. You have to be able to boot it up, and either win or lose.

-All games must be released before moving on to the next one.

-The vast majority of assets have to be made by me. In game jams, I tend to take the easy way out on art by using prepackaged assets because the point of those for me is to really push how much I can accomplish in terms of the end product in the span of a week, but with a looser time limitation here and a desire purely to enhance my own skills and creativity as a developer and as an artist, I am not going to be doing this.

Special goals:

-I want to make at least one of the games multi-player, preferably more.

-I want to make a game that runs on DOS, and a game that runs on Classic Mac OS.

-I want to make a SEGA Mega Drive game.

-I want to go back and make something of a lot of the cool little game ideas I had when I was a kid

-I want to produce tutorials and devlogs throughout this process, both textual ones for this site and video versions for YouTube, and get back into content creation, I have missed it.

-I want to learn to use or at least release a game in at least 5 engines I have not put something out in. I am especially interested in using:   

! next to name indicates I have never used it, * indicates I have experimented with it but never made a game with it, & indicates I have made partial games with it but never released anything in it.

I also would like to make sure I revisit Unity and CryEngine, which leaves me a list of 10 engines to use. The other 2 games will be the Mega Drive game, and probably something in Unreal Engine.